Monday, May 4, 2009

Being a Spiritual Leader

We've talked about the need for the husband to be the spiritual leader of the home - that as the priest of the home, the husbands needs to lead his wife and his children into the Word of God. But what really does that mean? I think you could figure this out. It isn't rocket science. Ephesians 5:26 tells us that Jesus sanctifies the church "with the washing of water by the Word." If the Word of God brings about sanctification and purification, the husband needs to lead his family into the Word. That's where spiritual growth and change comes from. A husband's priority, therefore, would include leading his family in daily devotions where they read and discuss the Bible, plus regular church attendance where the Word of God is taught and preached.

Look at Deuteronomy 6:6-7:
"And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart, You shall teach them diligently to your children, and you shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up."
Training your family about God is your responsibility, men. It isn't the pastor's or the Sunday School teacher's responsibility, it is yours. If you don't know how, learn! There are lots of ways. The method isn't important, but whether or not you do it is. You might just read a passage from the Bible and discuss it. You might want to get a good daily devotional to use. There are lots of excellent ones geared for children. We used Keys for Kids from Uncle Charlie at Box 1, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Remember, the method isn't important. Just do it!

And certainly, this will include making sure your family is in church and Sunday School each week so they can sit under the teaching of the Word of God. Yes, that is your job, Dad. It shouldn't be up to your wife to suggest that you go to church each week. She shouldn't have to nag you and drag you each week. It should be your mandate for your family.

"We will be in church on Sunday!"

"But, Dad, can't I stay home and . . . "

"NO! Our family will be in church!"

We don't want to be legalistic about this. Everyone has to miss on occasion, but the occasions should be extremely rare. They shouldn't include an every Sunday morning little league game. All that teaches your kids is that baseball is more important than God. Oh, God is OK, and we'll try to fit Him in when we get some free time. But the little league games are scheduled for Sunday morning. Men, that is not being the spiritual leader of your home. You are responsible for the spiritual life of your wife and children. You, not your wife, will be held accountable by God. You alone!

But isn't the spiritual well being of your family more important than all the other things you could be doing on a Sunday morning? Isn't it more important than . . . . fill in the blank with your personal excuse. Training your family in the Word of God will only happen if it becomes a priority with you, husband. Until you set your heart upon the Word, you will never be able to lead your family there. You can't lead them where you have never been yourself. If you want your wife and children to flourish spiritually, if you want them to live responsible, moral lives, you must get them into the Word.

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